Happy Birthday Yogi!

Yogi Berra, the Hall of Fame Yankee catcher, turns 86 today, May 12th. Yogi hit 358 home runs and won 10 World Series Championships. I don’t know of any other player who has won more.

But Yogi is perhaps best known as a “baseball philosopher” whose quotes about baseball – and life – are now legendary. You’ll find them on a wall near the  left field side of AT&T Park in San Francisco. Yogi’s pearls of wisdom include “I always thought that record would stand until it was broken,” and “You can observe a lot by watching.” His most famous Yogiism is probably, “It ain’t over til it’s over.” And anyone with an appetite can understand the intrinsic, but twisted logic of this Yogiism: “You better cut the pizza into four pieces, because I’m not hungry enough to eat six.” Check out more Yogi quotes here:

Yogi Berra Quotes

Yogi Video

In San Francisco there is no obvious connection to Yogi Berra, but he is a baseball icon universally loved by fans and his witty words are perfectly placed inside themost majestic park in the land.

What’s your favorite quote from Yogi?

About Mike

Mike Luery is an award-winning journalist with 25 years on TV and radio. Currently, he is the political reporter for KCRA-TV, the top-ranked station in Sacramento. This is Luery's second tour of duty with KCRA, where he was also a reporter from 1984 - 2000. In between, he was NBC's Capitol Bureau Chief in California and a reporter for CBS 13 in Sacramento. Luery lives in northern California with his wife Carol. Baseball Between Us is his first book.
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