Son Honors Veteran Dad On Memorial Day

Logan Morrison, a left fielder for the Miami Marlins,  wanted to honor his father, Tom Morrison, on Memorial Day. The elder Morrison was a Coast Guard veteran who died in 2010.  So when the younger Morrison came to the plate in the 4th inning against Washington’s Jordan Zimmermann, he was determined to do something big.

He did — hitting a towering home run to right field to tie the score for the Miami Marlins — and as Morrison crossed the plate,  he gave the Coast Guard salute (see it here):

Coast Guard Salute

Morrison’s tradition is to salute the heavens whenever he homers. It’s a tradition designed to pay tribute to his father. “I had goosebumps going around the bases,” Morrison said. “Giving him a salute was pretty cool.”

Meanwhile, the Miami Marlins are red hot – beating the Nationals today 5-3, to improve their record in May to 19-8, which ties their franchise record. Miami is now tied for 2nd place in the National League East, with a record of 27-22 — not bad after starting April with eight wins and 14 losses.

About Mike

Mike Luery is an award-winning journalist with 25 years on TV and radio. Currently, he is the political reporter for KCRA-TV, the top-ranked station in Sacramento. This is Luery's second tour of duty with KCRA, where he was also a reporter from 1984 - 2000. In between, he was NBC's Capitol Bureau Chief in California and a reporter for CBS 13 in Sacramento. Luery lives in northern California with his wife Carol. Baseball Between Us is his first book.
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